Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Open Visual Trace Route version 1.6.4 is out.

Version 1.6.4 is out. Here is what's new:
- Sniffer : Add feature to select a list and or range of ports.
- Sniffer : Add feature to stop the capture after a given amount of time
- Sniffer : Fix filter on port and packet length greater than 999 issue
- Traceroute : Fix traceroute timeout greater than 999 issue
- UI : German translation (thanks to Centauri39)
- UI : Japanese translation
- UI : Save table column width in preferences
- UI : Save window location
- UI : Add font chooser in the preference window
- UI : Fix sorting on row number
- Map : Choose line thickness in preference window
- Map : display unknown ips at the previous known location and no longer at (0, 0)
- Map : Fix 2D map not repainting in sniffer mode
- Windows : change whois provider
- Linux Mint : fix launcher
- Linux : add rpm packages